Yesterday I went to a local building supply to buy materials for a home I am building. I made my purchases and pushed my large and very heavy cart of plywood to my truck. I began transferring the sheets of plywood into the back of the truck, which turned out to be an awkward and somewhat difficult job.
Suddenly, out of nowhere, this guy walks up, grabs hold of the other side of the plywood and proceeds to help me load them all in my truck. He then walked into the store as I shouted my thanks to him. This random act of service on his part took all of two minutes out of his day, but it brightened mine for the rest of it.
It is amazing how this formula works, defying all logic. Someone gives x amount of service and it results in x10 amount of happiness on the part of him who has been served.
In this world gone crazy, full of hate, anger and violence we need to look around for who we can serve. By serving others, unbidden, I think we can begin to heal this world. We can begin to restore the love for our fellow man that is so obviously waning today. Let's be part of the solution and serve!
Just a thought from the Log Cabin Philosopher.