I'm going to tell a story that you might not expect from an old nail-bender like myself. I hope you will take a minute to read it because it was a life changer for me and it could help you too.
I attended an education seminar several years ago, weird right? Anyway, my wife and I went because we had decided to home-school our kids and we wanted to know all the best methods and tools available to help us do a great job.
Little did we know that the presenter had a dirty trick up his sleeve. He didn't teach us one thing to do to teach our kids. He just said over and over again, "if you want to fix your kid, fix yourself." He gave many examples, for instance, if your kid wasn't interested in reading, he said that I as a father should start reading books where my child could see me, and soon my child would want to read. If he didn't like math, then I should do math. Practice their music? You guessed it, play music on your favorite instrument.
I was a bit incredulous, this sounded like a lot of work. After two days of having this pounded into me, I thought, okay I'll give it a try. I went home and began the experiment. I started reading some tough books and I learned to pluck a few chords on a guitar (I am still struggling with the math thing). I put consistent effort into this and you know what? It worked! I noticed that as I put effort into self-improvement, my kids just naturally put more effort into their studies. There is an old saying that says we must practice what we preach. If our children see us working and struggling to understand a concept, they won't bat an eye when they face a challenge, because they know that it just takes some work, they saw their parent do it.
If you want your kids to be great, you need to be great first. This is one secret weapon of great parenting that we all need in our quiver. So just remember, if you've got problems in your home, one of the first places you ought to look is at yourself. If you start there, most of the problems will iron themselves out.