Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Make Some Time

The past couple of weeks I've gotten myself into an uncomfortable position. My son was having trouble with his Chemistry class in school, so the hero, me, opened my big mouth and said I would help. You must realize, it has been 25 years since I have cracked open a chemistry book, so to jump in, in the middle of the second semester, has been a bit challenging. This is how it works, I read the chapter he is going to be studying next, work through the study questions, familiarizing myself with the work, so if he gets stuck, I can help him work through it.

It has gone fairly well and I soon remembered that chemistry class was kinda fun, a lot of work but enjoyable. The best part though is the extra time I have been able to spend with my son. We get a couple hours a night to talk, laugh and agonize together, what a deal!

It is not often that an opportunity like this comes around. If you get a chance to do something like this with your child, don't squander the blessing. One on one time with a child pays some of the greatest dividends in family life. Remember, they are only with us for a short time, so make the most of it.

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