Saturday, December 15, 2012

Service With a Smile

Yesterday I went to a local building supply to buy materials for a home I am building. I made my purchases and pushed my large and very heavy cart of plywood to my truck. I began transferring the sheets of plywood into the back of the truck, which turned out to be an awkward and somewhat difficult job.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, this guy walks up, grabs hold of the other side of the plywood and proceeds to help me load them all in my truck. He then walked into the store as I shouted my thanks to him. This random act of service on his part took all of two minutes out of his day, but it brightened mine for the rest of it.

It is amazing how this formula works, defying all logic. Someone gives x amount of service and it results in x10 amount of happiness on the part of him who has been served.

In this world gone crazy, full of hate, anger and violence we need to look around for who we can serve. By serving others, unbidden, I think we can begin to heal this world. We can begin to restore the love for our fellow man that is so obviously waning today. Let's be part of the solution and serve!

Just a thought from the Log Cabin Philosopher.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

He Who Inspires Best, Gains the Most

Whatever your cause, if one can inspire others to greatness and beauty, victory will be yours.

I have been following several stories in the news lately. These stories deal with a group which is using the courts to stop any religious symbols or displays on public property. This group has been winning their cases for the most part in the courts, but one must wonder, what are they really accomplishing?

One particular story deals with a case in Montana where this group wants to remove a monument which was built to honor WWII veterans. Their problem with the monument is that there is a Christian cross in it. Apparently this offends their sensibilities. I could rant about the pettiness of their case but that is for another entry. What I would like to point out today is the fact that one cannot gain friends by tearing down that which is dear to those whom you are trying to win.

I believe that everyone who puts forth the effort to spread their message should have the right to do so. I also know that she who inspires best will gain more converts to her cause than one who kicks and screams foul at every turn. So just remember that when opposition to your cause tries to put you down, just be inspiring and they won't stand a chance.