Thursday, November 22, 2012

Contagion of Gratitude

Happy Thanksgiving! This may be a little cliche' but I want to express my gratitude today for many of the blessings in my life. I have a wonderful wife of whom I usually feel undeserving. I have unbelievably great children, a beautiful home and an all around good life.

I live in a country whose freedom surpasses any experienced since civilization began. I live in the most beautiful state in this country. With this beauty comes challenges that keep me strong and full of life.

I am grateful that I have been able to own my own business, which has provided well for me and my family. The work is hard but rewarding. I enjoy the people I work with and the numerous clients we have served over the years, most of whom have been a pleasure to serve.

I am grateful for the learning opportunities I have been afforded in my life. School and college seem an age ago, both of which were great, but since then I have really learned how to learn. Living in the Information age, knowledge of all kinds is available to virtually anyone who wants it.

I am thankful for those who have fought and do fight for freedom each day. Thank you to any who have given their "lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor" in defense of my freedom. Also, thank you to those who live in defense of freedom, whether I agree with some of their politics or beliefs, just knowing that there are those who care enough to get out from in front of the television and fight for their beliefs gives me encouragement. If I care enough to do something, then perhaps I can convince someone of my beliefs and help in my little way to make the world a better place.

I am thankful for my belief in Providence. This sustains me through the hard times and gives me hope that some day, after this trial we call life, I may be able to return to that God who gave me life and He will say to me, "well done thou good and faithful servant".

Lastly, I am grateful for the attitude of gratitude. I have learned that when one is grateful, what one has is more than enough. May we think on this throughout this day and throughout the whole year. Then may we share this attitude with everyone we meet.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

How we honor those who serve...

I had the privilege of spending a few hours with a veteran of World War 2 yesterday and he said something that stuck with me which I have been thinking about ever since. He lamented that his children had never served in the military, not that he wanted them to go to war, but that they would never really understand what it is like to be a soldier. I too do not fully understand this because I have not had the experience. I have read many accounts of their experiences but that does not bring real understanding.

He then told me of coming home, his first stop upon returning home, to ask the girl he left behind to marry him. He related to me some of his life experiences and what they meant to him. He went to work, raised a good family and served his fellow man. He is an ordinary man who did extraordinary things, a true hero who saved a generation, then went on with the important, but ordinary things in life. I'm sure that many he knew didn't come home with him, he didn't talk about that. It is to him and millions like him that we give our honor this day.

May we honor them by remembering their sacrifice, but also by living the principles that will keep us a free people, thereby respecting their sacrifice and service not trampling these under our feet. God bless these wonderful men and women. From one who can never fully understand...

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Winners never quit, are you a winner?

There was once a boy who really wanted to be a winner. So he set his goal and went to work. He worked and trained really hard. When the day of the race came he looked at his competition and thought I just might win. As the race began it became apparent that he had some stiff competition. As the race progressed some fell off pace while he and another took the lead. At the final turn, it was anyone's race and the boy thought that he might just win, but his hopes were dashed as his competitor inched ahead at the last moment and won the race. The boy thought to himself, I may have lost this time, but I am not going to give up. Starting today I will work harder than ever before. I won't let this get me down or make me angry, I am a winner and winners never quit. How about you?