Wednesday, May 4, 2011

A Cut Above

Today I was cutting lumber on my sawmill. Operating machinery such as this can be a bit monotonous, but I find that I have lots of time to think. As I watched the logs run back and forth through the blade I began to think about what I was actually doing. I was taking a tree, which has many great qualities in it's own right, and making something different and useful from it. Whether it be a log for a cabin or a board for a fence, that tree was changed into something different than it was before.
Many people think that we kill trees when we do this and in a way I guess they are right. I think that it is given a new life in the product that comes from it. Our lives are the same. Generally we live our lives the same each day, go to work, come home,go to work, come home, day in, day out. Then suddenly we are cut down, the bark is taken off us and when the process is done we are changed into something new. What a marvelous thing this can be, only by going through the milling process per se, can we be changed. To what new uses can we apply ourselves now that we have had value added to ourselves?
Changes or trials are never easy, but in them is where our true strength is found. Just a thought from a chain saw carpenter.

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